Well, it has been a while since I have been able to update. It is hard to find the time to sit down and type up some thoughts sometimes but I am finally getting back to it. This year, so far, has been amazing. So many new things happening for us. First and foremost, I am super excited about my hair. I don't hear it ever from anyone about making progress and people don't seem to notice when I do so it makes it harder to feel like I am doing better. But, finally, I have decided that approval from myself is all I really need. Who cares if anyone else is proud or wants to encourage me. I am doing this for myself anyway. So, I have made progress there! It has grown so much and it just makes me so excited to keep on going. I have had a small set back lately but still, I am doing so much better. Secondly, my husband and I are expecting our second child this year!! Wow! This is not going to be easy :) with a two year old and an infant but we can do it! It should be quite interesting and FUN! lol ;) I was also recently accepted into the Radiography program in school and I am SUPER!!!! excited about that. These things are only going to make our life better, even if they are hard and difficult to do. So, my goal for this year is to really really have my hair grown out before my next child gets here, which will be in December. To me, this is not unrealistic. It gives me almost half a year. With the progress I have made so far, there is no reason I shouldn't be successful! Though, as with most things, it is always easier to accomplish a goal when there are more people behind you, encouraging you to be a better you! When you see how much people want you to succeed, it only makes you want to do so much more! It sucks that I don't really have that. I can talk to people about my hair and say, LOOK! look how much it has grown and they are like um yeah that's nice...I understand they probably don't care, it isn't their problem of course, but as a friend or family, isn't it a responsibility to encourage people and to tell them, hey, I am proud of you! At least that's what I try to do to my friends. I want them to know that I truly care about their well being and success in life. To some people that makes me weird, to me....its just what God has asked me to do. So, with every breath taken, I will trudge forward in life! I will not look behind me for my past is my past.
~ Phil.3:13 "Brothers, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead."