I tend to worry too much about what other people think about me. It is hard for me to relax and be myself sometimes. I see people who are outgoing and not afraid to "embarrass" themselves or act silly and I wish I could be like that. I admire those people because I feel like I am missing out on so many things. I actually used to be like that really. I don't even know what happened. I guess I just started listening to all the negative thoughts and comments that were surrounding me, leading me to doubt myself. I was never afraid to get out there and have fun. In 5th grade I was the lead character in our school Christmas program! It was so awesome,and fun. I got to sing, which I love to do, even though I am not that great at it. But, if you told me to go in front of my church today, I would likely break down and have a panic attack. I cannot stand for people to look at me like that. It just makes me feel like they are all thinking horrible things about me. I hate this feeling. Tomorrow isn't promised and I don't want to look around saying, well I experience that because I was scared. Where can I ever get in life being afraid? Every breath taken is another opportunity. The word revolution means many different things to everyone. It can stir up hope, create passion and inspire loyalty. The definition of a revolution is a sudden, radical and complete change from the way things are normally done. It's time for a personal revolution.
"The Sovereign Lord is my strength; he makes me feel like the feet of a deer, he enables me to go on the heights."
~Habaakkuk 3:17-18~
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