Monday, January 9, 2012

Let's have some fun

My husband and I would like to make our marriage stronger. I've noticed that the older we get, the more time gets away from us. When we start dating someone we spend alot of one on one time together doing fun things. We go out to movies, dinner, play games and whatever else. It seems like once we get used to each other we decide there is no need for that anymore. We just sit in front of the computer or television and just be glad to be around each other. Then throw some babies and kiddos in the mix and you just don't have that time to spend with each other anymore. Many people will say, well we just love being around each other and I just love that I can clean my husband's house and rub his feet, but what they won't really tell you is that it isn't enough. So, my husband and I have come up with a plan to spend more time with each other. It might sound silly but I am super excited. We are going to start reading together, which for me is awesome because I love to read, for my husband not so much ;). My favorite thing though is we are going to start playing catch together!! I miss playing softball and it will be fun to spend that time with my husband talking and being goofy.  I just think about how hard it is to keep your marriage fun and exciting.I think we are going to have a game night too. If you have other suggestion we are totally open! Feel free to comment if you have any other good ideas. With every breath taken life can change in an instant and I am going to take advantage of every breath given to me. I will not take my family for granted.

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